Deploy React App to firebase

Deploy to firebase is very easy.
1. A firebase project. If you don’t have create it from Firebase Console
2. Add the web app to the project and copy the “Firebase SDK snippet” on your App.js
3. A react app. If you have not created yet create React App bynpx create-react-demo-firebase-hosting
4. Add firebase to your projectnpm install firebase — save

Lets start
Step 1 (Install firebase tools)
Navigate to the project folder and open terminal and install firebase tools
npm install firebase-tools -g
Step 2 (Login to Firebase)
Login to firebase using below command
firebase login
This will ask for permission. Give the permission and add it will open the browser to authenticate. After successful authentication it will give success message in the terminal

Step 3 (Initialize firebase)
Now after login initialize firebase in your app using below command
firebase init
You will get first question “Are you ready to proceed?”
type Y

Next you will get the prompt with “Which Firebase CLI features do you want to set up for this folder?”
Select the “Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites” by space key and then hit enter to proceed

Then you will prompt to select project. As we have already a project exist in firebase so select the “Use an existing project” and hit enter key

Again next you will be get all the list of project. Select the project by hitting the enter key

Again next you will prompt “What do you want to use as your public directory?”
Add public directory name “build”. By default react app generate a default build folder which contains all the production assets. You can change the default configuration. But we will for now go with the default name
Next you will be prompt with “Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)?” type y and hit enter key
Next you will be prompt with “Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub?” type N and hit enter

That’s it configuration done.
Step 4 (Build app for deployment)
To build app for production ready run below command
npm run build
Step 5 (Deploy build)
To deploy app run below command
firebase deploy
After deployment you will get the hosting URL in the terminal

Copy and paste the url in browser to view the app.
Thanks for reading!